Febrero 18 de 2022

Tangible are those elements that can be touched and/or felt, while intangible assets are those that do not have a physical existence as such. They cannot be touched or felt, but they can have a transcendental importance within the heritage of a company.

One of the most common classifications made regarding assets has to do with the characteristic that they have with respect to their perceptibility, that is, if it is an asset that physically exists or one that has no entity, but nevertheless It has economic value due to its characteristics.

When a tangible good is exchanged, there is a physical object that changes owners, therefore whoever acquires it recognizes it as their own in its entirety, being able to have the function of a fixed asset, a capital asset or an asset acquired solely for be exchanged again in order to obtain more money. It may be real estate, when its exchange includes a physical transfer, or real estate when the exchange does not change the place where the property is located.

Tangible real estate

A tangible good is everything that has a physical form, that is, it can be perceived and occupies a space, this type of good is then characterized by being able to be observed and possess a body that is feasible to touch, to explain it in another way, a good Tangible is that which can be perceived by the senses.

The opposite of a tangible asset is an intangible asset, which are those intangible assets whose perception, and therefore valuation, is usually more complex.

It should be noted that although a tangible good is observable, this does not mean that certain characteristics cannot go unnoticed. For this reason, there are purchase warranties that allow a buyer to demand a change or repair if the purchased product does not work as expected.



Intangible real estate.

An intangible good is one that is not perceptible by the senses and does not occupy a physical space, that is, this type of good does not have a corporeality, it is not observable and it cannot be touched either.

In simple, an intangible good is immaterial, unlike those tangible goods. Therefore, their size cannot be measured or counted, as can be done with vehicles or pencils, for example the importance of these goods lies in the fact that, despite not being observable, they add value to a company.

Examples of intangible goods are brands, the reputation of the company, the secret formula to produce a commodity, among others, the price for which these exchanges are agreed upon comes out, in any case, from an iteration between the values ​​assigned by the bidders and demanders of these goods.


It is a great opportunity to learn about the real estate market, come to us and we will help you how you can fulfill your dream of living alone in Los Cabos, come to our real estate agents, you can do it through our email: hola@tucasacabo.com, phone number : (624)229 93 37, social networks and WhatsApp.

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